I thought I was having a stroke

Today I was getting coffee with my sister and I started feeling a bit short of breath, so I asked if we could head out to grab some air. As soon as I was outside and walking my nerves began to seize up, I felt extreme tingling in my entire body that was painful, my stomach was tight, my hands clamped into this claw and I couldn’t breathe. My body was completely paralysed. I begged my sister to take me to the hospital as I was certain I was suffering from a stroke or seizure or something, I felt like I was about to die. It lasted this severely for 30 MINUTES and afterwards I vomited and was completely fatigued. It took me ages to be able to move my hands and walk properly. Terrifying.

I have never experienced this before? My sister explained it was a panic attack, but I felt I’ve had panic attacks before and it was nothing like this. Was this just a severe one? I wasn’t even thinking of anything in particular it just came over me. Why did this happen? I’m 20 years old and have not once had this sort of physical anxiety attack before. Why now? Why did this happen to me?