For fire victims only (one family): temporary relocation to Fresno area
Firstly, deepest condolences to those who lost their homes. So many of us are watching on TV and feel just awful. Secondly, life is about building people up and making positive impacts... helping lift people where there is so much darkness, so...
If anyone who lost their home would like to relocate to the Fresno area temporarily, I have a house that could be used for a few weeks. I'm not going to give the address (in this post) because of scammers & thieves. There is a second house that might be available at the end of the month.
I know a lot of people do not like the Fresno area, but I also realize that people need stability after a horrible event like this. It's 2 small bedrooms (each with a closet), 1 small bathroom, living room, kitchen, backyard, garage (not for parking though), paint on the outside is peeling & looks bad, the only heat you would have is from plug-in heaters (wall outlets), and there is parking spot for a couple vehicles. But at least it's a place to live for a few weeks & you won't be homeless.
You would have to sign a contract that you would move out after a month (or 2 months? I don't know yet.) Just know that this should be for the most desperate people who cannot afford to move elsewhere, who didn't have insurance, who have absolutely nothing and are not being helped by the assistance centers for whatever reason, etc. If you have the means to rent a hotel room, this is NOT for you. This is for people who would otherwise become homeless.
If you end up liking the house, I suppose there would be an opportunity to rent it long term, but I don't expect anyone from L.A. to want to keep living in the Fresno area. They are worlds apart.
What will I want to know?
• Which assistance centers have you contacted & why are they NOT helping you. (If you can get federal assistance, then you should get it.)
• How many people would be staying at the house.
• I'll want to see actual verifiable proof that you lived at a house that burned down in one of the recent fires. (Yes, I will research & I will know if you did not live there.)
• I want to know that you will not abuse the property & will leave after getting on your feet.
• Are you able to pay bills? Fresno area is COLD during winter, and the electricity rates are high. Any bills (water, PG&E, internet) would all need to be in your name.
• Give me 'your story' (briefly) - what do I need to know about you & your family/situation
I'm sure there are lot of questions, and you're welcome to PM me on here. I'll look through the PMs and figure out who would be the best fit for what I'd be offering. Wish I could help everyone, but there's only have one house available right now.