PUBG Black Budget - extraction shooter is happening?

I've been asking for a game that looks and feels similar to PUBG but doesn't have zones and timers compressing players into a small area...and saw announcement of Black Budget game in development.

Will this be a standalone game, or a game mode within PUBG?

I personally think this is amazing, I always wondered why does PUBG have huge maps that can't be explored for more than 20 minutes.

If there was an option to do customize PUBG in a way, I would make a game like this

  • parachute down and any house you enter first, becomes your safe house
  • you find a place to "hide" your money safe there
  • you loadout and go out in the world to get more money (coins, whatever), could be some coin in the next town, could be in a crate in the forest, etc.
  • you have to find at least X amount of money that can be deposited to your safe at your safehouse

Whoever stacks most money, wins the round.

Hope to have custom server options sometime down the line!