PTCGP Collection Tracker (Immersive Mew Tracker Added)

I have nothing to do with the Pokeos project, but want to give a shoutout to the Pokeos site who has just pushed out a new update for tracking cards in each booster pack! They're also working on the adding a mew tracker to their site! I'll likely still continue work on my spreadsheet because I find it fun, but I encourage anyone interested in a web app that has a bit more flexibility to check it out!

PTCGP Collection Tracker - Updated to I wasn't that happy with the Dashboard design as noted below, and am honestly kind of embarrassed with the old design. The new version is far cleaner with a few additional tiny changes / bug fixes.

Hello! I've seen a lot of new spreadsheets / web apps popping up in the reddit over the past few days, which is exciting! I also have an update to my previous tracker, and I think enough has changed to warrant the extra post!

I think the sheet has hit a good "baseline" version where there likely won't be many more updates unless its a significant feature, or new content is added to the game.

Also, there were a few users who were downloading the sheet to import into Excel. I've used Apps Scripts to implement some of the below features, which unfortunately makes those features incompatible with Excel.

  1. Dashboard Page + Immersive Mew tracker (Apps Script dependent)
    • While the Dashboard page is slightly redundant at the moment, it'll be the place to get a large overview of your account. The design needs some work, but I'll address the direction I want to take it once we see how future packs are handled. (Is each set name one and done, or are there Set "groups"? aka Genetic Apex A1/A2/A3, etc.)
    • Of special note is the Immersive Mew tracker which tracks your progress towards completing the Kanto dex and unlocking mew! It is located in the Genetic Apex A1 section of the Dashboard and shows a quick overview of all the sources you can get a missing card as well as the # of cards in that source, followed by a full list of each missing Pokémon and it's acquisition sources.
  2. Data Migration system (Apps Script dependent)
    • The README page now has a section for Data Migration, where the sheet can gather user input from the entire spreadsheet and compile it to easily Copy / Paste to a newer version, and then can restore all of that data to its proper place.
    • I won't go too in-depth here, as I have typed instructions in the README page, but I'll gladly answer any questions that may arise.
  3. Promo-A cards added.
    • This is a smaller addition, but you can now track your Promo-A collection, at least the ~50% of it that we can actually get at this time.
    • I'm thinking that the Promo sheet will house all of the Promo sets on a single checklist, especially if they're all only ~20 or so cards.
  4. Toggleable Input modes (Apps Script dependent)
    • The sheet now lets you choose between entering your # of copies if you care about tracking playsets or simply use a checkbox if you don't care about playsets / # of copies.
  5. Card Images
    • Each checklist now has a small image, which can help with IDing a card. (Especially the pack covers with their 4-5 EX versions)
    • Images are currently embedded into the sheet, so the inital load may be a tad bit slow, but afterwards should be lightning fast! I'll likely switch to imgur later, but this works for now.

As for what's in the plans next, as mentioned above I'm nearing the point where I'm waiting for new game content. However, I still have a couple avenues I plan to explore:

  1. Some users have provided suggestions for some more mathy metrics, such as rating a pack based on the % chance to get a new card. u/maxwel1775 has a sheet that focuses on that if you'd prefer that type of information without waiting for me to get to it. EDIT: u/ForgedTrinity also extended maxwel's sheet to add a simple deck builder!
  2. Dekkster (YouTube / Twitch ) suggested a Deck Builder page, where you can build out your ideal deck and the sheet will tell you which cards you're missing and where to get them. This might be a bit tricky in a spreadsheet, but I want to at least take a crack at it. There is already a web based deck builder by at exburst if you're looking for something similar.
  3. Dark Mode. I saw a screenshot of the sheet in Dark Mode and it was hideous! I don't have much control as Google doesn't let you set a theme and they seem to just to a simple color inversion... but I want to at least try to find a middle ground!