I made a dress out of my prescription paper

What do we think did I slayed😘✌🏻, Milan Fashion Week 2025?💁🏽‍♀️

Jokes aside. I just want to vent a bit.

I have PCOS, PMDD and monthly VC. Meaning I am dealing with suicidal thoughts every month due to my PMDD. Every month, I am a survivor. It gets so severe that I scream cry til 6am's where it screws my few days ahead and before. It repeats every month, during the same week. It ruined relationships, friendships, damages my mental health and how I perceive myself. I don't have depression. It is in a cyclical basis just like my period is. Let alone a treatment— we don't even know why it occurs yet, because there aren't enough studies done upon it. PCOS Meaning I am dealing with hirsutism, overweight due to broken insulin resistance, male pattern boldness, and infertility if not under control.

On top of it all, a monthly yeast infection along with my suicidal thoughts every month. I am a survivor every month.

Why am I upset?

Because there are still NO treatment cures for these two disorders. We don't even know why PMDD occurs. For years and years it was ignored because it was thought that it was in our heads.

If men dealt with suicidal thoughts every month to their hormones, I bet the fuck they would be く treatment option for it.

The only "band-aid" treatment that is prescribed to us are birth control pilss where the prescription paper looks like a triology for Lord of the rings.

I have been on birth control pills for six years and my both PCOS and my PMDD is still there. The birth control pills increases your risk for stroke, blood clots, breast cancers, panic attacks, depression, you name it.

I am pissed, angry, frustrated and disappointed.

Every fucking day.