So many male leads are just... Boring.
I go into a manhwa/manga with an interesting premise and interesting female lead who actually has a personality. Then 3 chapters in, the male leads gets introduced and he takes up like a third of the screentime and oml is he boring. Like almost all the male leads are cookie cutter and they have basically 3 personalities:
1)the golden retriever. His entire personality and role in the story is to glaze the female lead and lick their shoes. He is usually giant and a pushover.
Eg- nine(ik it's cheating since he is a literal dog but still) or the knight from " actually I was the real one"
2)the black cat. Cold and indifferent but shows affection every once in a while. Ruthless to everyone but her(and even her if the author wants to get angsty)
Eg- literally any "cold duke of the north"
3)the fox. Playful characters who are always onto whatever the fl is cooking and a flirt. Loves teasing the fl and has nothing else to do.
Eg- the magician from "miss not so sidekick"
So many manhwas would have been better without romance or with a different male lead