OC bio and lore: Jarrah/Jarradd


Species: Silverbeard

Full/Birth Name: Jarrah Gurrumarra Karrosson

Name Meaning/Origin: Eucalyptus Tree
Age: 13 Amasis years (52 Earth years)

Sex: Male

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Spouse: None

Father: King Karro, Ivan (Adoptive father)

Mother: Queen Alira, Ingrid (Adoptive mother)

Siblings: Warriya (Younger brother), Malminya (Younger brother), Revati (Adoptive brother), Astrid (Adoptive sister)

Extended Family: Oubin (Grandfather), Nyukuti (Grandfather), Illarah (Grandmother), Bili (grandmother), Makinti (Aunt), Yarraka (Aunt), Witto (Uncle), Jilaia (Sister-In-Law), Jiemba (Nephew), Bean (Niece)

Early Life:

Jarradd or previously known as Jarrah, was the eldest son of Karro and Alira and the heir to the throne. He was a reserved, quiet child. He's more of a mama's boy, spending most time around Alira more than his father Karro. Likely because Karro wants to teach him combat and he's not that interested at the time, showing more interest in his mother's hobbies like art, gardening and astronomy.

Everything was going well up until Warriya entered his life. He would make his life growing up a living hell. He suffered countless injuries from the variety of dangerous games he was forced to partake in. Pitting him together with dangerous animals, or small animals Warriya has tortured enough to make them hyper aggressive and wants Jarrah to wrangle it or kill it. He's been scratched, sliced and stabbed. Most injuries are concentrated on his torso and other areas where it's hidden under clothing so his parents would never notice the true extent of his injuries.

He tried telling his parents but Warriya somehow wins them over with a more convincing story making Jarrah out to be an idiot. The times where he did manage to get him in trouble Warriya ends up beating the crap out of him. Jarrah had thoughts of running away. He knows Warriya wants to be King, and that the only way for him to get that is to disable or permanently remove Jarrah. To maintain his position as the heir doesn't feel worth it anymore if it means his life is constantly under threat everyday at the hands of his own brother.

On that fateful day, Warriya brought Jarrah to a nearby ravine, He demanded he should hang off the ledge, when Jarrah refused, Warriya got frustrated so he pushed him off. Warriya assumed he'd be dead so he went home to lie to his parents that he got kidnapped.

Jarrah survived the fall, during the fall his right arm got caught between a gap and got badly broken before landing in the river below. He camped out in a nearby cavern, hoping he won't be discovered by any search parties. Days pass and his broken arm has become infected and necrotic and he's both in agonising pain and starving. He couldn't hunt as he has no weapons. He eventually came up with an idea of using his rotted arm as a lure. Dipping it in the river until he caught something. All he caught was a small crab, which is better than nothing, not like he'd need to eat much due to the pain.

Another few days go by, Jarrah tries to find a way out of the ravine, only to find dead ends. He tried to climb out, but it was impossible having to climb with one arm. He has no choice but to wait until someone finds him or die. As he lays down waiting to die, looking up in the sky he spotted an unusual bird, it began circling above the ravine and dived into it towards Jarrah. Jarrah was fully expecting the bird to swoop and eat him but it didn't. The bird picked him up with it's talons lifting him out of the ravine and taking him north.

The bird took him to a large village in the mountains, Skaii village. Dropping him on the ground in the village centre and landed just beside him. A human woman hopped off the bird's back, she introduced herself as Ingrid. She assumed Jarrah was an abandoned child and wanted to take him home where he's safe, she saw him a few days ago and thought nothing at the time, upon seeing him in the same place again she knew she had to intervene.

Ingrid brought him into her home introducing him to her family. Her husband Ivan was livid that she brought home an enemy of mankind. Ingrid didn't want to just leave him to die and convinces Ivan that they can raise him to like humans. Ingrid would then clean him up and inspected his condition. Finding several injuries and his badly infected, dead arm. She ended up cutting off his arm with an axe and cauterized the wound. Ingrid was fully expecting him to scream from the top of his lungs, but he didn't, he only winced a little. She'd give him plenty of medicine and closely monitor his condition in case the infection did spread. Ingrid would ask for Jarrah's name but misheard him and would call him Jarradd instead, and the name had stuck.

Jarradd was welcomed into the family, his adoptive siblings Revati and Astrid already consider him their brother and wanted him to play together, because of his past experiences he really wasn’t looking forward to playtime expecting he would get hurt again but was met with relief that their version of playtime was completely harmless and fun. From playing with toys to roleplaying/imaginative play like knights vs dragons, Jarradd would obviously be picked as the dragon. Ivan took a while to trust him, now he adores him like his own son. Taking him fishing and run errands around the village.

A few years go by and Jarradd is beginning to grow too big to comfortably live in their house. His adopted parents resorted to converting an old nest box behind their house as his new room as it’s big enough to accommodate him through adulthood.


When Jarradd turned 5 (20 Earth years) he decided to leave the village, he temporarily worked in the mines in Medjo where he'd finally interact with another Silverbeard after so many years.

He would leave after a month, heading as far south as Myalna island. Some of the Wryvirra recognised who he is by his distinct childhood scars. He denied ever being Jarrah and claimed his injuries was a result of a tiger attack. They cottoned on that he clearly doesn’t want his identity exposed so they chose to respect his wishes. Jarradd would ask if they have the technology to give him a new arm. They said yes without hesitation. He was later fitted with a prosthetic arm and is able to fully control it.

Jarradd would explore around the world looking for temporary work and practice hunting now that he has both hands to do it more effectively. During his trip to Cockamarra valley he got attacked by a Tarrmork, slashing his right eye and cracked his jaw, rendering him blind in that eye. His jaw couldn't heal properly without treatment causing his jaw to heal slightly crooked. The gap where the crack occurred in his jaw he would later fill in with an oversized metal "tooth".

Jarradd would finally return to Skaii village and settled on becoming a blacksmith specialised in making ankle rings, armour and other apparel for large/giant birds endemic to the village. It is where he'll spend to this very day.


Jarradd would only have a few intimate relationships. His first was a human woman named Helga. The relationship only lasted several months. Helga broke up with Jarradd because she decided she wanted to have children which isn't possible for the pair for obvious reasons. He suggested adoption but Helga insisted she wanted biological children as she thinks adopted children are just "damaged goods". As an adopted child himself he was pretty miffed about it, but has gladly agreed to the breakup.

Years later he'd look for another Silverbeard to be with and hooked up with one named Yapany who worked in the Medjo mines. The relationship barely lasted 2 months because she had severe phobia of birds and learned that Jarradd literally lives in a village full of them. Jarradd tried encouraging her to confront her fear and understand that the birds he deals with are tamed and harmless but unfortunately nothing worked so they parted ways. Jarradd since decided to not continue looking for a relationship and chose to remain single.

Warriya's Death:

Jarradd would learn of Warriya's demise through gossip around the village. For the first time he felt the weight lift off his shoulders. He doesn't know that Malminya is his new brother at the time. He thought he was some random civilian ballsy enough to fight Warriya.

Meeting Malminya:

When Malminya visited Skaii village, Jarradd approached him to personally congratulate him for killing Warriya. Malminya mentioned that they were brothers, leaving Jarradd confused. He noticed his scars and the prosthetic tail and asked if Warriya did all that. When Malminya said yes, he angrily muttered “That fucking prick...” giving Malminya a quick hug. He finally revealed to him that he was his missing older brother and was living in this village for years. Malminya was willing to step down to give him back his throne but Jarradd turned down his offer. Said he is happier in this village with his adopted human family.