Feeling hopeless


I have a very good feeling I know what the comments will look like but I wanted to vent. I got into an engineering program and am a first year at McMaster. I saw the previous post in another subreddit of another person talking about a similar feeling,

I got rejected from uw and uoft for reasons I’m not really sure of. Ever since then I’ve been getting this feeling that I’ve let myself down. A large part of my classmates also happen to go here and seemed relatively happy about where they chose to go, however I can’t shake off the feeling of I should’ve done better.

I committed to getting into uoft since I was younger and didn’t achieve that. A lot of my friends told me to keep McMaster as a safety as it was easy to get into in their eyes and not very prestigious.

I just feel like I’ve failed. I let myself down. I got into some average school that most people don’t care about. My coop placement was good but even at my workplace people asked what my top choice was implying McMaster wasn’t a top choice for most.

Everyone I’ve seen on Reddit even says that McMaster is just full of uoft and Waterloo rejects and that we shouldn’t be happy about it. I hate the fact that even if I do well in life I’ll always be reminded of this blunder on my part.