What is your success rate after the other person reschedules?
I've been on OLD for many years and had several dozen first dates. My cold hard stats: after a girl reschedules, the chance of us ever meeting again is about 20%, and the chance that we're gonna have anything happen between us is practically nil, even if I manage to take her out after a reschedule. I reckon this is due to the fact that a reschedule implies she isn't too interested and she also doesn't respect my time.
A shocking bonus fact: many people advise that I should be ok if she is very proactive in setting up another date, or she only postpones to tomorrow. My experience is that this doesn't change the stats. As soon as she types the word 'reschedule', our fate is sealed.
My data includes excuses like sickness, sudden work assignments, tiredness, sleepiness etc. People are also very protective of sickness as a good excuse but all girls who got "sick" before our date ended up never meeting me after.
What are your stats? I'm not asking about the one exception where your neighbor met his wife this way, I'm asking general stats. Because I'm kinda ready to conclude that at this point when I read the word reschedule, I ask no questions, negotiate nothing, just unmatch right away.