Help please! OP 12 battery

Hello there! I wanted to have some feedback on my battery. This is today's result so far, starting from 80% battery. I'm currently running standard resolution (1080p) with standard refresh rate (60hz) and Auto brightness. I've disabled quick connect, print services and Enhanced intelligent Services. All apps set to auto-optimize. Is my unit faulty? I keep seeing people with absurd SoT... I really need to understand whether this is normal or if I should return the phone

Hello there! I wanted to have some feedback on my battery. This is today's result so far, starting from 80% battery. I'm currently running standard resolution (1080p) with standard refresh rate (60hz) and Auto brightness. I've disabled quick connect, print services and Enhanced intelligent Services. All apps set to auto-optimize. Is my unit faulty? I keep seeing people with absurd SoT... I really need to understand whether this is normal or if I should return the phone