I'm crocheting a Liam-themed sweater to wear this winter and I need some ideas 🙏

I'm still in shock and disbelief that it's been one week since we all gained a permanent hole in our hearts.

I love to crochet especially around the holidays and I have been searching for an outlet for my grief, so I thought it would be beneficial to combine the two things. Does anyone have some theme ideas I could use? It seems a consensus on this subreddit that the color red is used for Liam but (unless I missed it) I have no memory of him saying so before. If this is true, does anyone have a link of him saying it so I can confirm before I use the color? I'm good with basic sweaters but willing to practice more complicated designs if the theme is really good.

I don't want anything too on the nose and I want to be able to wear it on a regular basis without feeling too sad so I'd rather not use any Liam quotes or references to his tattoos that the average non-fan would be able to understand. I'd like something to remember him by and pay homage which will also be a comfort to other 1D fans who may see me wearing it out and about so I'd like to keep the references pretty obscure to the average person.

Thanks in advance for the help! I'm heartbroken that I even have to write this, but I feel it will help me in the healing process 💔