Pediatric OT treatment duration
Hi all,
In your experience, how long is a typical course of pediatric OT?
My son started OT in April 2024 around 3.75 years of age. Main issues with balance/coordination, strength, immature grip, and what has been described as a retained moro reflex. He has gone 2x a week for 1 hour a session since.
He has made great progress! Grip is now where it should be, confidence to try new things up, strength is up, he is crossing the midline with greater ease, but we are still working on the startle reflex/freeze response. He meets his goals at his 3 months reviews and new goals are set. He is cooperative and has good rapport with the OT.
He is now coming up on 8 months of OT. I do believe he has ADHD (inattentive type) and I know the OT is helping and is also my first action before pursuing an evaluation and eventually medication so I am not opposed to keep this going as long as we need to but…
Realistically how long does he need to keep going at 2x/week pace? Does progress ever become perfection? How long do you see your clients? I am just trying to manage my expectations and I can never get a straight answer with the OT.
Most people are surprised to learn he is in OT so many of his issues aren’t glaringly overt but when the rubber hits the road on demands it can sometimes be more apparent to the trained eye. I am told it would be unlikely he would qualify through the district once he gets to k-12 school.
Thank you!