Dream Catcher

I had a dream once,

That I woke up in my small room and made my way through my small house.

The front door was ajar, I pushed it open all the way.

I stepped out onto the cement pad that was my front yard.

The moon was bright overhead, I could see everything in front of me.

Everything, that is, but the woods.

I moved into the grass across my driveway

Gravel stuck to my heels as though I was a magnet, 

the weight of my feet increasing with each step, 

It was then that I heard it,

Moving in the woods,

Just out of sight.

Something wild and fierce.

Something terrifying.

Something murderous.

It burst out of the woods, leaping towards me incredibly fast

I could not make out its shape but just as it caught me,

I woke up.

