i wrote this because you punched the wall last night

I wake up holding the ache like a question—

How did you twist your voice into a fist?

The air still echoes the crack

of drywall meeting disappointment.

Was your calm a costume, tailored

to fit my yearning for stillness?

You walked me to the edge of the river,

smoke curling from your lips like promises

I cupped in my hands.

Everything slowed in your orbit—

I called it zen. Maybe it was fog.


Do you know how a woman learns

to stop breaking her own skin for love?

She stands inside herself,

upright as a wound,

and names the hurricane of her heart

survival instead of shame.


Last night, I wore my voice softer,

like silk over bone,

but you shredded it with your name—

repeated, loud, sharp,

until it was nothing but a bruise

in my throat.

I remember thinking:

is this the part where I forgive myself?

Or am I the one who should break the wall this time?


