Contamination OCD as a mama of a young baby

Is anyone else here a mom with contamination OCD? I have always had OCD but never experienced contamination OCD until I got pregnant. First, it started with me looking into the “foods to avoid” lists and the reasoning behind them- then I went down the Listeria rabbit hole and read way too much about the terrible things it can cause during pregnancy. Then I started learning about the harmful impacts of Toxoplasmosis, E. coli, etc during pregnancy and spiraled. I refused to eat anything except if I made it myself- which has actually caused a huge strain in the relationship with my in-laws. For reference, my husband and I were living with them for a few months while I was pregnant while waiting for our lease to begin. They are lovely people- however, some of their food practices fueled my contamination OCD (thawing meat overnight in the sink, leaving food out for longer than like 2 hours, using the same sponge for everything including dishes that touched raw meat, not using the dishwasher, etc) I know none of these are that crazy for most people but I was at the peak of my contamination OCD (honestly still kind of am) and it really stressed me out. I also refused to eat any uncooked produce, soft cheese, dairy opened for more than like 4 days, etc and would spiral if I thought my food could possibly be contaminated and cause a miscarriage. I would sanitize my whole house and constantly panic about foodborne illness to an unhealthy level.

Now, my sweet baby girl is two months old and is the absolute light of my life. However, a super young baby while dealing with contamination OCD during peak sick season (not to mention, there’s the bird flu going around my state right now) is a difficult thing. I constantly am overthinking different ways she could get sick to an unhealthy level. I exclusively breastfeed because trying to pump/ use bottles freaked me out bc contamination risks and I would just absolutely panic. We haven’t had any visitors besides grandparents and it’s staying that way for the first three months. Has anyone else dealt with this as a parent?