Explaining paranoia to doctor
Hi everyone. I’m a 42 year old guy that was diagnosed with OCD aged 30. It started to get unmanageable at that age when my first kid was born. I’ve been on 60mg fluoxetine since and completed 3 rounds of NHS CBT/MBCT. Ironically I also have an MSc in Psychology so have a good grasp of the current thinking on OCD too.
Unfortunately I’m in a huge spiral due to life circumstances the last week or so. I’ve always suffered from a constant background base level of anxiety but this has become actual paranoia except it hasn’t because I’m aware that the thoughts aren’t logical.
I need to see my GP in the next couple of days but I want to explain this properly. I mean how as a 40 plus year old bloke do you explain that it “feels” like there’s a constant threat when you actually know there isn’t.
I’m appalling at communication when it comes to to health care professionals and have a tendency to minimise my symptoms as if I was embarrassed or something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.