Sued For Toll Fee
Hey guys, I'm an American living in Norway so this one is completely new to me. Here's my story. So I get this letter in the mail about a month and a half ago, it's from a company called "Zolva", and they're claiming I have an overdue UPS invoice. I promptly call the company, who is based out of Oslo to my knowledge, and ask for details and to see the invoice and all details related to it. Zolva could not produce this invoice, the lady could also barely speak English, and I was basically hung up on. Thinking this is odd, I look them up on Google and a few other forums including Reddit. Turns out, THEY HAVE A SOLID 1 STAR RATING, with other people complaining about the exact same issue. Disregarding it as a scam, I put the whole thing out of my mind. Now, come this past Friday, I receive a huge envelope in the mail with court documents, etc from the same company. I promptly call them back again, obviously livid this time. I demand the UPS invoice and all details. Tracking, country of origin, date, what the order contained, ANYTHING! Again, Zolva cannot produce it. I'll gladly pay a UPS invoice if it is legitimate. However, I never received anything from UPS themselves, getting ahold of UPS Norway is next to impossible, and to my knowledge, I haven't ordered anything via UPS since I've been here. My neighbor in the US has worked at corporate UPS for 20+ years and this is not how they handle business. I have since reported Zolva to Forbrukerrådet, and am awaiting the court date. I have contacted Zolva and the bailiff through the Politet website and explained why I am fighting it. This whole situation seems unethical, predatory, and taking a scam completely out of hand for what they claim amounts to about $100 USD. Any suggestions that'll aid in the meantime is appreciated.