Should I get a gender affirming haircut and face backlash from my family?

Hi everyone I'm 24 afab and I've wanted my hair short for a very long time. I made a haircut appointment for tomorrow (I made the appointment a week ago) but now that it's the day before I'm panicking. I was forced to have hair past my hips my whole life until 2022 when I cut my hair myself and then went and got a bob. My hair is currently medium length and I hate it. I've always hated long hair and my hair was bleach blond before so now it's half muddy greenish from the blond. My family has always called me lesbian as an insult and made fun of me for not liking makeup. They also make fun of me for wearing baggy shorts with t shirts (I dress feminine a lot but they don't seem to notice that..) they just see me as not being feminine enough and I'm afraid of the backlash from them. I'm not scared of being kicked out or anything like that but my mom will make constant comments about how women don't look good with short hair and how she doesn't understand anyone making themselves "ugly" on purpose. (Had to listen to that when I had the bob) So is it worth getting the haircut so I can finally be happy with my hair? Or keep the long hair to not have the backlash. Also the haircut I'm wanting is like a soft mullet/wolf cut.:)