am i the only student that doesn't use chatgpt?

I am in a major that is primarily just reading, writing, and analysis. It actually is mind boggling how many people use chatgpt to me, I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't. I don't want to tell people I don't use it because I feel like it comes off as tryhard or holier than thou, but I truly and genuinely hate chatgpt. I hate the way the tech was developed, I hate how much it impacts the eniviroment, and I hate how its now weird to not use it. I'm also in a degree that primarily focuses on reading, writing, and analysis and I just think its so dumb to sign up for a degree like that and then use a robot to do all your reading, writing, and analysis.

I can at least appreciate that a lot of people use chat to help them with their wording, and their ideas are their own, but I still think ultimately its a bad idea to so heavily rely on a robot to help you express yourself. The whole point of college (and especially my degree) is to learn how to express your ideas yourself. If you're always using a robot to express yourself you're never gonna learn how to express yourself without it.

I know I'm coming off as a tryhard but idc. AI has a lot of great applications that will help push a lot of neccesary tech forward, etc etc, but I think its also gonna make us all dumber in the process.