How do girls wear skirts/dresses/shorts without flashing anyone?
For reference, i’m 18(F). I don’t wear dresses or shorts or skirts ever because of this reason but i’ve always wanted to. I will never understand how girls can wear a dress with only panties underneath and not flash anyone or be stressed about it the entire time. I would wear shorts, but i feel stupid because ever girl i’ve talked to says they only wear panties underneath. Please explain how people can do this. I feel like i’m naked when I do this, even just with shorts that are a little loose i’m scared. Also, razor bumps. For short shorts, how do you not have them show? Like am i just doing life wrong…please help.
Edit: Thank you so much for all your comments!! I was MIA for two days and i came back to over 3000 comments which is insane but i swear i will read all them😳 thank you all for your help❤️