Remains, by far, my most anticipated release

Just wanted to throw some good energy at the devs and this community. I LOVE the proof of concept the early access provided for what they're going for with this game. It is easily my most anticipated title. It love the vibe and atmosphere. I love the intensity and flow of the combat. Everything (a few menu things aside) feels friggin amazing. I'm so excited to see what the full experience has to offer.

I'm not much of an "end game" or "gauntlet / roguelike mode" type guy, so a lot of that is wasted on me, but I'm SO SO SO here for the full campaign experience whenever it drops. I hope everyone at Moon is proud of what they've done so far and are still feeling enthusiasm and excitement about it all! I can only imagine the level of burn-out that comes from some of the early access experience. Know that your work is seen, appreciated, loved, and that what you're working on now is super highly anticipated.

Also know that most your audience is completely patient in receiving it when it comes. Do your best work. Love what you've made. We'll be here when its done. Plenty other games to keep us busy in the meantime. Much love! :-)