Nitrous entities
Who has experienced seeing nitrous entities on nitrous plus psychedelics or just nitrous alone? For me I have seen entities but some (mostly in the beginning) were just obviously not real, like I knew my mind was imagining them, like seeing little figures made out of my cream dispenser running and one commanding them to run to do their job to “help me” load up the cream dispenser when I’m doing it lol just some wholesome cute shit like that, I didn’t see that as real entities of course.
Sometimes I would be holding the nitrous in, and it felt like some being from a higher dimension would make me let go of the nos because I was holding it for too long.
Then one time I had a bad trip (weed edibles were included aswell) and I started seeing reptilians and this time they felt real and like they wanted to harm me. Then since then I’ve had a few trips with nitrous and say lsd for example and haven’t seen those entities probably because I wasn’t mixing so many drugs at once and had a small break but still felt like since that time with the bad trip that, the best way to explain it quick and easy would be, it’s like im desynchronised in some kind of way when I take the nitrous, like I step a way too far that now my trips are way too fucky, like I am more spiritual but it’s not as fun as it used to be and it’s way less predictable and scary.
But that’s not the point, I’m just curious if anyone has experienced some kind of entities. For me they were also greenish or white/silver shiny colour. That time I had that bad trip I remember at one point I was surrounded and jumped by like 6-9 little mofos that looked a bit like denizens from black ops 2 transit map lol.
I should also say that my tolerance was very high to everything then, hence I was mixing a lot of things at once to get high af and also I think my b12 was running low which is also a bit reason for the fucky shit I was seeing from that bad trip onward.
So, any experiences for you with “entities” no matter if you think they’re somewhat real or not?