Is imperial ward a good set?

So last night i was trying to farm for severing spin.

After about 20 tries of quitting out to the shrine and passing up on smithing texts for this armor and the swords... i decided to not push my luck and finally ended the mission when she dropped sacred bird flight.

Im now noticing that the set gives like 15% extra damage on that which is icing on the cake because the utility of it is already fantastic, and being a dual sword main this set actually looks good, so tonight i will farm her some more and try and get the smithing texts for the armor and swords again. The only concern i have is that ive never been able to temper purity onto a weapon and thats what this set (combined with ho-oh) is all about. Maybe i could just rely on talismans or my purity innate dual swords and just not do the entire 7 piece bonus.

Im on DOTstrong almost done so will have my yasakani soon and that will open up so many more options in what i can do