Looking for chill game with a story
Looking for a chill game with a story. Ideally, it would have adventure, choices-matter, management and/or RPG elements.
I already have Yes, Your Grace and Dredge. Not into Spiritfarer though. It's a little too slow-paced for me.
I'm into Tomb Raider as well, but not looking to get hooked on games due to busy schedule at the moment, so I prefer more chill games than exciting ones.
Currently looking at Figment, but wanted to see if there are other options.
Thank you for the recs
Update 1: Thank you for the recommendations, everyone. I might not reply everyone, but I do read the comments and appreciate it. I've been really stressed out and busy, so you've no idea how grateful I am for all the help. Thank you!
Update 2: Would anyone recommend The Oregon Trail? I've never played it, so I can't compare to the original.