What's Up At Ninja Kiwi - 20th September 2024 Blog


Hey everyone! Welcome to this week's blog with the NK team!

What’s been going on this week?

Battles 2 update 4.2.1 is rolling out now! With some big changes on the backend to allow us to make balance changes and fix minor issues without needing full game updates!We have a whole bunch of balance changes and bug fixes you can read about below!


Over on the Bloons Card Storm Reddit, this week's dev diary revealed a spectacular new hero. Learn all about our new magician at the link below!


A Very Fast Hedge Race results:
1st: nksucks - 2 minutes 54.90 seconds
2nd: Leohgyon - 2 minutes 55.48 seconds
3rd: tehspeleengpol - 2 minutes 57.33 seconds
4th: Tobi - 3 minutes 2.06 seconds
5th: Fiat Panda Buy - 3 minutes 4.53 seconds

This weekend's focus:

- BTD6 -
Pile O' Monkey Money, T3 instas on sale.
Ongoing "Night Night" Odyssey, ending Wednesday. 
"Three Four Five" Race this weekend. 
Bloonarius will be appearing on Spring Spring this weekend, starting Saturday and ending Thursday.
Ongoing Contested Territory, ending Tuesday.

- Battles 2 -
Ongoing Season 23, ending 11th October
Ongoing Sporting Heroes Showcase, ending 11th October
Ongoing Random Quads
Ongoing Club Jumpstart, Speed Battles

- BTD Battles -
Professor Evil appearing on Airfield this weekend. With a second tougher one on Dreadbloon starting Tuesday and ending Thursday.
Friday: MOAB - BFB Cards, BFB Club
Saturday: MOAB Card Club, MOAB R3 Speed - BFB Cards, BFB Boosts Only
Sunday: MOAB Boosts Only, MOAB Cards - BFB R3 Speed
Monday: MOAB - BFB Boosts Only
2x Medallions with Bag of Medallions and Chest of Medallions on sale.

- BATTD - 
Ongoing Martian games: More Regrow, Faster Regrow, More Fortified
Deflation Allies Only starting on Sunday.
Finn Adventure Pack, Max Adventure Pack and Character Bundle pack on sale.

- SAS4 Mobile -
VS on Friday, APOC on Saturday and LMS with Black Box as Rewards on Sunday.
Sales on nantos, NV vet pack, Epic pack and 4th premium gun set: Vitriol, Ronson 5x5 and CM 0Kelvin

- BTD5 -
Ongoing Preferred Monkeys, ending Saturday. Totem event, starting after.
Sniper Monkey skin on sale.

Questions from the comments:

Do the monkeys also fear Mariah Carey just as much as we do?
For 11 months of the year, not at all! But in December, when she’s at her most powerful… they are wise to be afraid, as we all should be. 

Will there ever be another avatar contest?
Most definitely! We are looking for the right time to run it, and we will make sure everyone is aware ahead of time!

What is the limit to Alchemist's power, seen as they're used for most reasonings like indefinite darts and more.
Nothing can be gained without giving something in return!

Is Bloons Card Storm an in-universe TCG that the heroes are playing against each other, an organized sporting event like Battles, or something else entirely?

are lord of the abyss and ezili friends? i think they would get along really well!!
We’re pretty sure they’ve been seen hanging out together, for sure.

Both existing primary paragons' names somehow link the names of that tower's tier fives. Can we expect something similar for the tack shooter paragon?
Paragon names use all sorts of inspiration, with many iterations until one just clicks with the team and the vibe!

What does Ezili and Gwen think of eachother? They used to be the only female heroes so i suppose they are close
They get along well! They don’t have a huge amount of overlapping hobbies but they both enjoy a great horror movie and every Halloween they get together and carve pumpkins.

What does the inside of a Monkey Village look like? Does the appearance change as it upgrades?
We asked Dr. Monkey and he talked for hours about tardises, the space-time continuum and a bunch of other stuff we couldn’t understand. Suffice it to say that yes, the inside changes with each upgrade!

Wait a minute.If Bonnie from BB2 is a miner monkey, could she/he have seen/awoken ol’Dread (Dreadballoon) when mining?
Bonnie could absolutely provide some guidance on pop rocks,.... err sorry popping rocks.
We are pretty sure she was safely mining elsewhere when Dreadbloon appeared!

which hero has the most beautiful handwriting?
Patch has the neatest, most easy-to-read writing! Excellent note-taker and distributor of critical information!

if you had to choose between the past, the present, and the future, what would you pick?
We need more context! But probably the present! Everything in the past made us who we are today and our actions dictate our future! 

what do the mermonkeys think of krakens?
All those arms for all the hugs! But also, got to respect that primordial power!

We know monkey’s have infinite ammo because of engineers working together with magic monkeys, but have they had any other special inventions in the works?
We tried to have a peek at some of their blueprints, but we could not understand a thing. So, maybe?

Naval Tactics doesn’t work on Nautic Siege Core and Navarch of the Seas,is that mean they have higher rank than Birckell?
Admiral Brickell is the highest-ranking Military monkey around!  Siege Cores and Navarchs have the utmost respect for their commander!


Have a great weekend and happy gaming!-Ninja Kiwi Team