In practice, do the airport VAT refund employees actually make you show the items when you try to file for refund?

Hi everyone! Question about tourist tax refunds here. I'm a non-EU student (I am currently living in The Netherlands on a student visa, but my permanent address is outside the EU). A couple of weeks ago I bought a macbook air. I also already got my VAT refund receipt from the store I bought it from. The problem here is that while I was looking up the VAT refund policy, the Schiphol Airport website says that the goods have to be unused. Well, I have very much used my new mac. Sure, I can just put my macbook back in the box, but the seal is already opened and the original plastic packaging is already thrown away.

I know at first it sounds obvious that the employees will ask me to show my macbook and that it has to be 100% unopened and unused (or at least, in theory). But in practice, do they actually ask you to show the items? Here is why I'm asking: I heard from people that I know that while going through immigration in various western countries, they weren't always asked to actually show the goods they purchased as long as they could present their VAT refund receipt. So I am curious if this is actually the case with The Netherlands as well.

Thank you in advance!