Parental abuse in Nepal

why parental abuse is so normalized in Nepal? Why we as a kid aren’t allowed to feel bad? Everytime I talk about my traumatic childhood, I am asked to keep my mouth shut, I’m asked to be thankful for my parents. I understand that my parents did their best to raise us, they were also going through a lot, they didn’t have the opportunity that I have now. However, shouldn’t I be allowed to talk about my experiences, my traumas? I struggled with anxiety, suicidal ideation, low self esteem, people pleasing behaviour because of my past experiences yet I’m supposed to believe that they did it for me? And those who say that ohh my parents hit me too but I don’t feel bad and you shouldn’t too; are the most annoying people. Ps: that doesn’t mean I don’t care for my parents I do, but I can’t love them completely. A child inside me doesn’t let them in. I feel stuck between not being able to love and a guilt for not loving. Idk why people of my age still think it was okay for their parents to hit and and they will do it too