Feminist until it’s about her brother
My distant cousin is searching for girl to marry. His sister is like a hardcore feminist, she works in a feminist organization full time. Brother however is exact opposite of her lol. He is the biggest womanizer I know.
So anyways I overheard the conversation they were having, they were talking about a girl. The feminist sister was like, tyo kt thik chaina. Bihe pachi ni kam garna khojne jasto che, Yeslai lai sushil kt khojna parcha, ghar ko kam garne.
Haha. She knows her brother very well. It was so funny to hear that from her as I was lurking through her Facebook post about women empowerment. The thing is, her brother is corrupt sarkari engineer and businessman so he is rich asf. I understand why they want housewife but it’s worth mentioning, He is the biggest douchebag macho Alpha whatever whatever. I remember when i was kid, he used to make me say something and record it and send it to his girlfriends.. I love you didi, malai chocolate layidinu.. bhanna lagagaune and he’d forward it to atleast 5 girls. He even almost killed a girl while he was over-speeding his bike while he remained un injured. Of course she wants sushil kt haha