So, why is Sasuke so disliked outside of Asian countries?
I won't outright say "in America", but I've always wondered about this. In Japan, Sasuke is constantly either the most popular character or the 2nd most popular at any time, is obviously favored by the anime staff (compare the amount of times his fights have received the A-team animation to the times Naruto's fights have received it), and even Kishimoto has gone on record at one time or another as saying that Sasuke was one of, if not, his favorite character to draw in the story and yet, there seem to be a significant (or at least loud) segment of foreign fans that outright despise the deuteragonist of this story.
It can't simply be because he's against the antagonist (or maybe it is?), because I have never seen this amount of hatred for characters like Vegeta, Zoro, Byakuya, etc (the cloth from which a rival character like Sasuke is drawn). Though, saying that, Kishimoto has obviously taken the rival concept with Sasuke farther than most mangaka in that he's given him what amounts to a secondary protagonist-type role in this story.
I'd prefer answers other than the typical "he's a bitch", "he's emo", etc answers that these threads usually engender, I'm sure we'll get some of those as well. But, what I'm actually interested in is the psychology behind it, since it seems as if this manga would be much more difficult to enjoy if someone actively despises one of the two characters that it is basically built around.
Especially because it doesn't even seem to be a "love to hate" thing. It seems as if some fans actually have a very real hatred for this fictional character, and that is sort of fascinating.