Update: I’m leaving! But how?
SO after receiving all of your insight on my previous “is this normal?” post, I now know that I am not just crazy or ungrateful but that I am actually being overworked for what my job title/pay rate is 🙃 This has solidified my decision to quit sooner rather than later, but now I need to figure out how to craft my resignation letter. My plan rn is to give notice this coming Friday and say that I can continue working through the 27th, in an effort to give them time to find a replacement.
Some factors: - Kids’ holiday break runs from dec 23-jan 6. If I leave on my planned date it could potentially leave them without care for another week, but would also give a potential replacement the opportunity to come in and start learning routines during a somewhat less chaotic/busy time. - Honestly I’d like to milk my paychecks as long as possible. Quitting the 27th would mean I get 2 checks between then, one at about my normal rate and one at about half based on hours - Though I have been filling out many applications, I currently do not have another position lined up. I know this usually a big no no but I don’t know how long it’s gonna take for me to get something and tbh I don’t think my mental health can take staying with them til I have something else secured
My questions: - Is this a reasonable time frame I’m working with? Should I be giving them more or even less notice? Ik 2 weeks is standard but I figure this isn’t a traditional job where there’s a line of people around that can pick up the extra work while they search for a new person - If you read my other post you’ll see my reasoning for leaving, but do I need to be upfront about this? Tbh I feel like I’d be more comfortable saying I was offered a position to further my career in my degree field or something, and then if they ask for suggestions for the next person coming in be a bit more straightforward. I know I’m not obligated to give a reason but if I don’t offer one I’m sure they’ll ask - How do I deliver the message? Sometimes on Fridays the kids will go straight from school to a friends house or other activity I’m not needed for and I’ll be allowed to leave early before the parents get home. I’d like to give them the letter myself but if this ends up happening, is it appropriate to leave the letter at the house and shoot them a text or quick phone call letting them know it’s there? Or should I wait til monday when I’ll see them but it’ll be with less notice? - is it mine or parents responsibility to notify the kids? They’re 9 and 12 - Overall, how do I make the exchange as least awkward as possible?
Again I’m completely new to this so any suggestions or insight are appreciated, thank you!!