Anyone had a kiddo with an eating difficulty?
I hate to label it a disorder simply because I’m not a doctor.
And please please please don’t tell me she will eat when she’s hungry. That’s absolutely not helpful nor does it apply to this situation.
Kiddo is 16 months old and has had feeding difficulties since her nicu stay. They almost sent her home with a feeding tube because she refused to eat.
She’s still 100% on bottles. We can’t get her to eat solids at all and even her bottles are a struggle to get her to drink enough.
Right now she refuses to suck her bottles and instead lets it drip into her mouth and swallows when her mouth is full…or she lets it drip out of her mouth. They tried tons of bottles in the nicu and at home.
OT comes once a week and has since august and even she hasn’t gotten her to eat solids yet. She’s now suggesting she come twice a week to see if she can help.
We’re looking for ideas on how to help her eat solids but also her bottles.