My family and friends are giving me a hard time over my baby name choice. Is it really that bad?

I’m due any day and recently had a name reveal shower. We are having a girl and the name we choose is really sentimental- it reminds us of a favorite fictional character, has some floral notes, and also represents the holiday we met.

During the name reveal, all my family came up to me asking about the name. Friends were at least respectful but now they are blowing up my phone trying to get me to reconsider too?

Is my name choice really that bad?? Or are all my friends and family over reacting?

EDIT: people keep asking me for the name?? Not sure why y’all need it?? For privacy reasons and because people may steal this name, I can’t share the exact name. Think Violaeen Moon, Rosavine Day, Chyrsmas Eve, etc. You can steal any of these names because they aren’t as good as the one we chose.