CGS Hyperion first impression

Went to pickup my CGS Hyperion today and was instantly disappointed..

So upon hearing my tax stamp was approved and I could come pick up, I was looking forward to getting the suppressor for my 300blk build. The suppressor was not in a case, but a half opened plastic container. I immediately saw some blemishes on what should have been a new item. Then started looking closer and you can see where a wrench was put on it and someone had installed it at some point... Also the exterior diameter lathe turned area where it meets the 3D printed area is.... Sloppy. The edges are not crisp like the marketing photos. I did not take possession of the item and emailed them. So far the response was it could be sent back for new coating. I already know cerakote isn't going to change the sloppy lathe markings, so I'm waiting to hear a solution from the company. I'm guessing whatever route this goes is going to be a pain/require a new tax stamp. What a cluster f.