Post-concert sendoff is a terrible idea

Jumping straight into my points...

  1. sendoff tickets are expensive asf ($800+ USD sometimes even 4 digits) - basically SM doing more money-milking from fans
  2. with those expensive tickets, there's a chance the members are going to skip over you because they are being rushed by staff + there's so many other fans around you chasing for an interaction - then it'd be a waste of your ticket
  3. expontential increase in the likelihood of creepy interactions with sasaengs who continue to not respect the boundaries of members and ruin the experiences of the respectful fans around them for an interaction
  4. THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON: it's so exhausting for the members. How are u expected to continue to put up a happy/enthusiastic front for an extra hour or two for fans after a THREE HOUR CONCERT? THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO CLOCK OFF WORK AFTER THE CONCERT IS OVER!!

It feels really inhummane... seeing videos of the nct 127 members trying to look happy to see fans at sendoff, while being exhausted and tired from performing, is beyond heartbreaking. Not to mention their terrible jetlag and how sometimes they would literally have a flight right after the concert.

Do other people share the same sentiment? Respectful conversations only