New Music vs Old Music

I sound like a curmudgeon. I have a very hard time enjoying new music. Everything i LOVE is 2000 and back. Lately, I've been in love with the 70s. And it's not really a particular genre but I feel the music is so much more authentic, raw, real and just better.

I know all art is subjective, and truly there is no right answers. However, song writing, musicianship, and production has changed dramatically over the past 25 years. I feel as if there is no possibility of today's music being better in any way shape or form. Today, most music is broken down to a science on a hit song. This has always been the case but now they have it perfected, and I feel lost in this dystopian, poor music. I feel like a black sheep amoung my generation. What other people love, call art, even iconic new artist i just can't even pretend to enjoy. It's crap..

This post was inspired recently after buying a few vinyl albums recently (I'm a 30 year old stuck in a 60 year old mind). I purchased Bostons first album, Queen II and Grand Funks Good Singing Good Playing. All three of these albums have more talent, more enjoyment, better music than any music I've heard in 20+ years. The songwriting, musicianship, energy, authenticity is unlike anything released today.

I was discussing this with my dad, who was a major influence on my musical taste. He explained how small the teams are involved with these albums compared to today's music. Even today the most "talented artist" have 100s of people helping them write, produce, and record this music. Pick the top 10 albums of the past 5 years. It's overproduced, poorly written garbage compared to these albums I purchased. The sound is to perfect, even the musical parts sound generated. There is no feeling, pride, or artistic traits that go into music today. Sounds are sampled, beats are perfected, and there is no mistakes. I'll even go as far as saying producers now know what the human brain enjoys the most and just go towards that.

What do you guys think? Why is this? I feel like a mad man in this world of music. Hardly anyone i discuss this with relates with me, and I feel even crazier. Sometimes I wish I could just sit back and enjoy these airwaves with the rest of the people around me and not feel so crazy. I find myself in disgust while listening to new music. I want to throw up when people throw the word "iconic" around. Beyonce iconic? She has the musical talent of Freddie Mercurys pinky. Call me old, call me grump, call me stupid, I just can't for the life of me (I've tried) to enjoy new music.

Now, I do realize there is exceptions. And the vast music world today is even more unlimited then ever. There is good music out there. There is good artist, but there is very little recognition for these artist. There has been a few handful of albums that have been recognized that I would agree totally kick ass