R.I.P U/Doll’s_Husband

If this comes off as offensive in anyway I'd like to apologize in advance any rudeness, insensitivity, or anything offensive is an accident and if it does come off as any of those things I am truly, truly sorry.

Look I don't have an image, or an inspiring message but look if you need help, get it do not and I repeat DO NOT try and tough it out and just say that things will get better tomorrow, your almost certainly not gonna heal that way. If you are ever thinking about committing suicide call the number "988" this is never a way out, no matter what you do someone will always be there for you, someone will always love you, and you do NOT deserve this, what he did no one deserves, life is like a icy hill, falling down to the bottom is easy, and going uphill may seem impossible but it's not, if you stop halfway up the mountain you will never see the view, I said this before and I'll say it again, if your struggling, reach out.

About Doll's husband, I never knew him that well but from the few comments and posts I've seen from him he seemed like a great guy, I wish I could go Back and help him in someway, anyway, I hope he's in a better place now. Amen and may the lord bless his soul, fligh high.