Favorite song from 05 Demo??
I know the physical copy had a different art cover and back. But this one was used practically everywhere for it. What's your favorite song?
Bleed in Black and White
Violets are Blue
Trace out the Heart
My best friend gifted me a burnt copy of this after I got my first car in highschool lol good times. And to add the cherry on top he added Santa's Pissed as a hidden track. Any memories from this Demo or Time?
I know the physical copy had a different art cover and back. But this one was used practically everywhere for it. What's your favorite song?
Bleed in Black and White
Violets are Blue
Trace out the Heart
My best friend gifted me a burnt copy of this after I got my first car in highschool lol good times. And to add the cherry on top he added Santa's Pissed as a hidden track. Any memories from this Demo or Time?