My First Monstera

Hi, I got this one a week ago at Trader Joe’s, so the info was limited to none. Anyone have time to help?

1) Since she has some lime-ish colored areas, can anyone ID for me?

2) She also only cost $15, which I think is good since she’s about 19” above the pot edge. Is that right? There were lots of them!

3) The 8” wide and tall pot is packed and has finally dried out in this past week, so considering she has that monster root on the surface and has roots coming out the bottom of the pot, should I transplant now using the current soil mix and fill in around the edges?

4) If so, is that 12” yellow pot actually 2” too big at this point or is it okay?

5) I heard here that Monsteras benefit from grow lights when natural light is really iffy. The window in the pic is big but it’s facing N/NE. She’s obviously used to outdoor and indoor indirect bright light from the nursery and then in Trader Joe’s, so don’t want to limit her light yet. Is that Sansi full spectrum light advisable, or is it too much for that new leaf unfurling?

Thanks so much for any help with my initial questions!