I'm so unbelievably afraid :( Almost certain I have Lymphoma.

I have a HARD tiny lump in my groin and its immovable. Its about the size of a bean (maybe even smaller).

5 weeks ago, I got extreme brain fog out of nowhere and all my lymph nodes started hurting. Under my armpits especially. I also had a sore throat and phlegm at the time so I thought it was from an infection. The other symptoms went away but, new ones popped up (along with the hard bump). My other symptom is ITCHING!! its not intense and it doesn't happen all day but its, not just something in my head. my ankles, legs , back of my head and collar bone areas are most itchy but, I pretty much itch all over my body. I notice I itch in the areas where the lymph nodes are present.

I still have the brain fog and like a pressure around my head. Also when I sleep, I don't really wake up rested. I tested for mono but, tested negative :( I was really hoping it was mono. My blood tests were all normal but it did say that I had a Past mono infection that I guess I wasn't aware of.

My IGG was 600+ but my IGM (which is the thing that tells you if you have active mono) was negative. I tested twice .. about a week apart to double check.

I don't have night sweats or anything and I still have sore lymph nodes all over my body but the only one I can feel is the one in my groin. I'm terrified and having panic attacks and crying a lot but, I'm hiding it from my family because they would freak out if they knew. I don't have anyone to talk to about this so any advice or insight.. I would greatly appreciate. I've already been through hell this year and im not doing so well mentally. if I do get a diagnosis I would break.

Edit: I should also mention I had slight lymph node irritation in my left armpit for like 6 months but I thought it was from shaving. it was so subtle I barely noticed it and it wasn't constant.