I no longer want to pay all the bills

My boyfriend of 10 years and father of my kids has always been in and out jobs and has always contributed less towards the rent. He never helped with kids’ daycare, healthcare, clothing, groceries or utilities. Fast forward to now, he is finally earning a good living and is able to contribute to the household but he refuses. He says he will keep his contribution at $1000 to the almost $6000 monthly expenses. He won’t help with the kids financially or physically. In fact he didn’t even buy them 1 gift this Christmas. He says his contribution amount shouldn’t change because he got a raise. I obviously don’t see it that way. He makes comments that I’m broke or in debt but this is a big part of why. He has used my credit card and has not made 1 payment to his $5k debt in 3 years. I just don’t want to continue in this unfair situation. He says I’m being money hungry but i just want a partner who will contribute equally. Am I asking for too much?