I will never have another baby

How do I come to terms and accept the fact that I will never have another baby? I currently have a 3.5 year old and she’s the best part of my life. She’s a handful but nothing too crazy. I spent my entire pregnancy/early infant months cooped up home during the pandemic and have so many regrets.

My husband has had a hard time adjusting to fatherhood from day 1. I won’t get into the details but since having our kid he would mention or throw in passing that he didn’t think he’d want another kid. I always kept a little bit of hope that he would change his mind. She’s now entered her threenager phase and he’s recently made it clear he does not want another child.

I feel completely broken and discouraged and I just don’t know how to move on and accept it. I look at my daughter and feel so sad that she will never know what it’s like to have a sibling. I think about how she will be alone in caring for us and making decisions when we are old. I think about how I will never enjoy the amazing feeling of pregnancy again like I always dreamed. I look at my husband now and he’s can’t help but feel disconnected and literally have no libido. I know I can’t force him and I wouldnt want to. But I’m having such a hard time accepting it…

Edit: leaving or divorcing my husband is not an option I would even consider