Baby Tension
Not sure where to post this, but thought y'all would have some insight.
My boy is 7 weeks old. He has tension or torticollis. He has been to an Osteopath twice.
My question, which is better, a physio or chiro? As I'm considering taking him to a chiro next. There has been some improvement, especially in his feeding. He used to hurt me a lot when latching. But he still prefers to look left and it takes a lot to get him to turn his neck on his own, when lying on his back.
Any tips to help him would also be appreciated.
To add: We've seen the pediatrician and a LC. Both said he has a tongue tie, but his sucking is sufficient and we don't need to clip. The LC said it's tension and recommended the Osteopath. He is gaining weight well, as I had him at the pediatrician this week for his 6w check up, he has gained 1.3kg since birth.