Please Help. Delete if Not Allowed. Very Desperately searching for specific item.

I’m super sorry if I am not allowed to post this here. I am not an employee, but maybe an employee can help?

Back around 2010-2012, I purchased two Christmas ornaments. They were tin/metals biplanes that were covered in glitter with a gold propeller. One was red and one was blue. I do not have a photo. I never took a photo and I super regret it.

My dad threw them away, and didn’t tell me until a week later, and I can’t find any other copies anywhere on the internet. I am desperate. Been depressed ever since. Does anyone know if Michaels restocks these little plane ornaments? I personally haven’t seen them since I purchased them, but any glimmer of hope much needed right now.

Not asking for anyone to purchase anything for me at all. Just generally wondering if these things come back into stock yearly during the holidays. I haven’t stepped foot in a Michaels in a very long time, and I know any the moment the Christmas stuff is gone.

Again, I’m very sorry if I’m not allowed to post this here, please delete if not allowed. Just looking for any possibility of getting my planes back.