2025 Women have more rights than men?

Do women have more rights than men, equal rights to men, or less rights than men in first world countries in 2025?

And are women repressed, are both genders equal, or are men repressed in 2025?

Wish I could put a poll

I feel that women are free to say anything they want with zero repercussions whatsoever, be it in person or online. Where as if men said the exact same thing would be vilified and hung.

Women get more educational support with support focus groups and scholarships.

Women get more job opportunities due to DEI and getting priority as a "minority"

Women get more legal rights since if a woman accuses a man of rape/abuse then everyone believes the woman because the culture for a decade has been "always believe women." Whereas if a man accuses a woman of rape/abuse he gets laughed at or no one believes him or no one does anything.

Women get more dress attire rights because in professional settings men have to wear suits/dress shirts/ties, whereas women can wear anything they want INCLUDING suits/dress shirts/ties if they wanted to but only if they wanted to.
They also get to wear clothes so tight that you can see their vagina/butt cracks and claim "comfort," but if a man wore tight short shorts with the outline of his balls and cock showing clearly, he will get laughed at and/or called a pedo. Etc.

Women get to bodyshame men for their height, muscles, sexual parts, hair, and even race. "White men are trash, privileged, creepy" or "He's okay for an asian"

Also in a lot of professional fields, there are beginning to be "all women" companies who only hire women and also prefer to give business only to women. This is discrimination against men, but is somehow legal?

Idk, a lot more, but for some reason first-world women still talk about being repressed and having no rights. Am I just delusional and out of touch?