Lyle, Christie and José's interference

This is a part of the trial that always interested me and while there are some threads here about it, I decided to stitch together all the parts of Lyle's testimony when he talks about his relationship with Christie and what he believes his father did in regards to the relationship.

Lyle's account is that he was dating Christie in the Spring of '89 who his parents hated. He doesn't say it but we know she was 29 and he was 21. Lyle explains how his parents called her names like a slut and bimbo, his mother said she was aids infected. Some time later Christie tells Lyle she was pregnant, the relationship ends shortly after.

On cross examination Pam asks Lyle "Christie wasn't really pregnant was she?" Lyle maintains that she was and Pam brings up a statement to the police after the parents deaths where he said he never really spoke to the parents about this issue with Christie until it was all over. Lyle says yes that was the case, when he was trying to explain to his father difficulties he was having at college and why he was struggling, he told him there were things going on that he (José) didn't know about and José told him did know, he knew about Christie's pregnancy and that he paid her off to have an abortion. Lyle said his father couldn't believe that Lyle's solution woukd have been to keep the baby and marry Christie. Jose seemed to look at it like a problem to be corrected.

Its hard to figure out because Lyle doesn't say who broke up with who or why exactly they broke up but it seems to me that things got weird between them because Christie all of a sudden told Lyle that she's was never pregnant at all and he was surprised at this because she had previously told him that she confirmed that she was. Perhaps Christie broke up with him because of the pregnancy/abortion/José interfering thing. It's unclear.

Some speculate that Christie wasn't pregnant at all or that José didn't pay her off to have an abortion or there's also the possibility that José just told Lyle that to fuck with him. It's hard to tell. However, what confirms it for me is a prosecution witness and friend of Kitty, Karen Farrell. Karen was no friend to the defense in this case if you watch her testimony. She even hugs Pamela Bozanich and Detective Zoeller while leaving the courtroom one day which she admitted to Jill on the stand. She was asked by Jill under cross examination had Kitty ever confided in her about family problems and she said yes Kitty told her that Lyle had gotten a girl pregnant and José paid for her to have an abortion. Karen certainly wouldn't have admitted to this being true to bolster the defense's case or at least Lyle's testimony if she wasn't in fact told this by Kitty.

The one question I'm left with is how did José and Kitty find out? Lyle didn't tell them that Christie was pregnant. But then we know from both Lyle and Erik that the parents seemed to find out everything about them. Erik said it used to be like magic. No matter what was going on with the brothers, somehow the parents seemed to know about it. Lyle said some things used to be carried back through Aunt Terry but then I remembered that the phones where tapped and José and Kitty had access to Erik and Lyle's private conversations so I'm pretty confident that that's how José found out about it and behind Lyle's back, approached Christie. She perhaps went through with the abortion and told Lyle she's was never pregnant in the first place, leaving Lyle confused and they parted ways. Only after the conversation with his Dad did he realize that José had interfered with his relationship.

Now we also have the information that Rebecca has since got in contact with Christie and she denied it happening. That of course is Christie's prerogative, I'm sure she doesn't want to be associated with the case and have things about her personal life brought up in the public eye decades later. However I believe it to be true and it's sad to think what could have been for Lyle and it also shows you how far José would stoop to keep control of his son's life, intimidating his son's girlfriend to have an abortion. I'd like to hear your thoughts on theories on this or if you have any more information to add.