Golf tsi 2011 intermittent misfire underload no fault codes
Intermittent misfire under load no fault codes. I initially got a coolant temperature sensor fault when it first started happening so I replaced it and still had the problem. I then thought l'd try the other sensor so I put the old one I'd taken out and put it in the place of the one I hadn't replaced. It still misfired so I took it to the garage, they got a number two cylinder misfire code so they swapped around the plugs and that. The issue was still there but they got no fault codes at all.
I drove it after they gave it back and the issue is still there but not as bad. To be specific the issue happens when the coolant is hot and the car is accelerating over half throttle but not every time mainly under load.
I think I’m going to try the coils and if it doesn’t work get rid.
Please help!!!!