Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) from Jurassic World had a lot of potential

In the first Jurassic World, Chris Pratt's character, Owen Grady was actually kind of a fresh take on a JP main character, a calm, confident and competent adult around dinosaurs.

The whole former marine that trained/bonded with the Raptor Squad was a little silly (and cool), but at the time, it was kind of an interesting and new direction for the horror-centered Velociraptors, since it showcased another layer to their intelligence (akin to wolves, also pack hunters), but in the sequels, it became too much of Dino Avengers.

And even though the cracks of his character were already there in the first Jurassic World movie, by the time of Fallen Kingdom and Dominion, Owen Grady became a Gary Stue capable of anything and everything.

He can survive a dosage of tranquilizer that was meant for a full grown dinosaur (so, it should have killed him), he runs away from a volcanic eruption (gets swallowed by the smoke that should have burned his lungs), then he jumps from a cliff and arrives right on time in order to save Claire and the screaming dude from the sinking Gyosphere.

The guy simply became too "cool" and macho for the kind of story that Jurassic is.

He is unstopabble and every good guy/girl around him are instantly protected around him, because the story simply has no stakes with someone like him around.

In the original, Ian Malcom was cool, but even he got hurt.

Also, Owen starting to do that stupid pose everytime a theropod showed up was driving me nuts.

It worked on your trained raptors that imprinted on you, but that doesn't mean that random Carnotaurus and Allosaurus should give a damn about that pose.

I feel like Owen Grady's character is one of the biggest instances of failed writing when it comes to main characters in popular IPs, but he doesn't criticized enough.