Madison is for the STREETS!! 😂

For her birthday, this man takes her for dinner, drinks then tells her there’s more. What’s that? A hotel room! Basic AF 😂😂 Guess that’s special bc it’s not the basement.

Girl, for your 30th birthday, your gift is being on your back! 🤢 Congratulations tho! 🍾 Ugh David is such a bum, but it’s clear to see why they are indeed a good match.

She couldn’t waitttt to bust it WIDE OPEN for this loser! When she told him that the decorated hotel room was the nicest thing any man ever did for her, I believe it! And they both really feel like they are in a love story 😂😂 Whew what a mess! The bar is low as hell at this point 🤦🏽‍♀️