I Love My Wife

Just here to say that, nobody's relationship is perfect. But sometimes it really is nice to get some alone and idle time to watch the world happen around you.

In those moments, I always find myself thankful that I found the one I did.

She works her ass off for our family. She keeps me on task personally. She acknowledges my contributions. She's a passionate mother. She lets me touch her boobs. She isn't toxic or critical. She is focused on us. She's interesting.

If you're new to marriage- it can be hard. Year 4-10 for us wasn't a walk in the park. I didn't feel butterflies every time I saw her face. I was afraid of wasting "my best years" with the wrong person.

But we both decided we were in it for good. We kept showing up for each other. We forgave each other for uncovering our own insecurities.

It's a reward beyond my wildest imagination. And I wish it for all of you too!