Stop telling people their legendaries are worthless
I’ve gotten very sick of seeing this, when someone makes either a price check or a discussion post, there are a slew of comments telling them that their bloodied limb damage reload combat rifle sucks, that’s not a bad weapon everyone. I’ve fallen into the 4* thing as much as anyone but I’ve decided I’m done with it, just because an item can’t be traded for leaders or apparel does not mean it’s worthless. I understand wanting to learn the ability to craft the mods, i really do, but people are destroying decent weapons based on advice from someone who just doesn’t value the weapons effects. I do value this stuff, if you are genuinely curious about the value of weapons and armor, message me, i might even offer you something, I’ll do my best to be fair. This game is more fun for me personally when there are tradable weapons everywhere. If you don’t care i get it, but don’t rain on other people’s parade because you don’t value the same things as them. I’m on Xbox if anyone wants to discuss this further, have fun everyone. GT: i get Lvcky